Grab a great deal on the GoPro Hero4 Silver

GoPro cameras are great for anyone trying to capture more adventurous footage (or keep an eye on what the dog is doing while being left home alone), but they can be fairly expensive. This is especially true for the GoPro Hero4 Silver, one of the high-end versions of the popular action-cams. Sure, GoPro recently launched a great budget-oriented alternative in the shape of the GoPro Hero+, but for anyone looking for a little more oomph, the Hero4 is still the way to go. Sadly, it costs $399 normally, making it a tiny bit too expensive.

However, we’ve spotted a great discount deal on the Hero4 on eBay, so if you were looking for a deal to make your purchase, this might be the right time. Getitdigital, a well-endorsed vendor has released a big savings deal for the action-cam, putting the silver version up for sale for just $329. That puts this high-end camera in the more affordable range, especially considering that you’ll be getting plenty bang for your buck at that price.

The Hero4 comes well-equipped for video capture, being able to capture videos at 60 FPS in 1080p, 15 FPS in 4K (yes, it’s capable of capturing 4K footage), or 120 FPS in 720p. It’s equipped with a 12 MP sensor, and can take up to 10 photos per second, or 30 photos per second in the highest settings on its burst shot mode. It’s water resistant up to 131 feet in depth and naturally comes equipped with WiFi, something that many budget action-cams, including some cheaper GoPro variants lack. The entire package makes it a great bargain at this price range. In case you don’t like to do eBay shopping though, we’ve looked for alternatives, and found that Walmart has a 3-year or 4-year care plan offer for the camera, with $438 for the former and $445 for the latter. Granted, this makes the Hero4 rather expensive, but at least you have the option of buying it in increments.

Mark Jonathan :Since the early years of the internet Mark has been a pioneer in online publications. With his experience in web design and a passion for photography he has developed Photo Tribune to be a reliable source for photographic news.

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