Sharing DNA with banks apparently ok with 1 in 4 Americans

It's okay to share DNA! At least bank account holders think so

It looks like people are willing to share DNA information with their banks for security purposes. A few years ago, even a few months ago, there were many disputes about government agencies collecting DNA and concerns about how that DNA could be used for various purposes. Of course many people still consider their DNA to be the utmost private information that they have, seeing as the rest of our lives haven’t been very private in a long time. But our DNA remains private to this point, although that might change soon enough.

In a new study it is revealed that people would be willing to share their DNA information with banks and financial institutions, for security reinforcement reasons. Although having a locked box that can only be opened by you after a DNA analysis seems like a good idea, is sharing such sensitive information with institutions that take advantage of the people for their own profit such a good idea? Some people don’t seem to be considering that aspect of things.

In a study published this weekend by Telstra, it is revealed that one in four American citizens would have no issue with sharing DNA information with their banks for security purposes. In the age of biometric sensors, it’s no wonder that people want to feel more secure about their money. Apple came up with TouchID quite some time ago and other smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, Huawei and others have adopted the fingerprint sensor as an authentication method for their smartphones. Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Wallet and many more are denoting that mobile payments represent the future, and DNA security is the next step in achieving total sense of security.

The report also reveals that people are more and more concerned about how secure their money actually is in the bank. The majority of the people that Telstra surveyed said that one of their biggest worries is how secure their money is. Excuse me while I stuff cash into the underwear drawer and disregard banking services taking a part in that. Nonetheless, online shopping is the way to go and security is of utmost importance. We have fingerprint sensors, Microsoft is allegedly implementing retina scanning in their next Microsoft Lumia flagship and facial and voice recognition software is used everywhere now. So why would DNA be more secure than that? If risking your most valuable information about you and your body being used by the most profit-hungry industry in the world is worth it to you, you should consider the mattress option.

Fun fact, to end on a light note: Rocky Scopelliti, Global Industry Executive for banking, finance and insurance at Telstra revealed that the study has uncovered a new phobia: nofinapp phobia – the fear of not having an app to access financial records.

George Dean :George has been working as a professional photographer since 2006 in landscape, event, portrait, product and journalism photography. With a passion for the technology and the craft itself, he is always up to date.

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